User Support Centre (USC) (CAU)

Log in to our User Support Center to get answers, ask us about an ICT problem, or follow up on a previous request.
Access to CAUIf you prefer to talk to us:
Call us at 950 015 999 (85999).
Log in to our User Support Center to get answers, ask us about an ICT problem, or follow up on a previous request.
Access to CAUIf you prefer to talk to us:
Call us at 950 015 999 (85999).
La cuarta edición de la Feria de la Innovación y la Ciencia, organizada por la Universidad de Alme...
La Universidad de Almería acoge una cita clave, presencial y on-line, en la que la Red Internaciona...
Con un presupuesto de 7.597.000 euros, el edificio cuenta con 22 aulas de Informática (la mitad de ...
The University of Almeria offers all its members (students and staff), as well as anyone visiting us for professional reasons, a wireless network that provides access to the Internet and UAL information systems on all kinds of mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones and tablets..
The instructions are below, but if you need help, you can go through the ICTS user support office:
If you're visiting us for a few days or weeks and you just want to connect to the WiFi, you've got two options:
Thousands of people connect daily to the UAL WiFi. You can check the daily usage statistics.
Connect to the UAL network and the Internet from any part of the Campus.
With your UAL account ( or, you have access to all Google services: email, calendar, cloud storage, collaborative tools, etc., and all with unlimited capacity.
Still don't have a UAL username?
Did you forget your password?
Tools forcommunication and collaboration, much more than email.
The UAL provides its faculty members with the Turnitin anti-plagiarism program
Document databases, institutional repository, bibliography, search engine, etc.
At the library, we can lend you a laptop connected to the WiFi and all the software used in the computer classrooms.
You can also reserve a computer in the open-access classrooms. If you're a faculty or staff member, you can use a computer from the User Support Office (ground floor of CITIC building)
If you do not have a computer ,wecan lend you one or you can use theopen access classrooms.
You can carry out numerous administrative procedures online through the Virtual Campus and the Virtual Office, identifying yourself with your UAL username and password.
I forgot my password
Request user registration
Perform various administrative procedures online through Campus or the Virtual Office
Si tu consulta o problema está relacionado con la plataforma de enseñanza virtual debes dirigirte a la Unidad de Enseñanza Virtual a través de su CAU.
Atención a usuarios de Aula Virtual
No los confundas. Son dos cosas diferentes. El aula virtual (Blackboard Learn) te permite acceder a los cursos virtuales de las asignaturas en las que estás matriculado. El Campus Virtual, ahora llamado Campus, te permite realizar gestiones administrativas como por ejemplo la matrícula.
Access UAL's virtual learning platform (Blackboard Learn).
You may wish to practise with the software you use in the computer room. To do so, you can borrow a laptop or go to the open-access classrooms.
Connect to AVLA (Open-Access Virtual Classroom) and use all the software without the need to install anything on your computer. A good deal of the classroom software is also available for you to install on your computer. See the full list.
UAL has signed agreements with Microsoft to enjoy free access to almost all of its software. Just for being a member of the UAL
All the software you need you'll find here for free.
The first thing you need is an UAL user account to access all our ICT services ( or
Don't have a UAL account yet? You can request one in the following ways:
Undergraduate, doctoral or master student: go to ARATIES Teaching student: Request the coordinator of the staff course: Through Virtual C.
If you're visiting us for a few days or weeks and you just want to connect to the WiFi, you've got two options:
Information to start using UAL's ICT services.
Como usuario del STIC puedes conocer todo lo relativo a la gestión TIC que realizamos
IT TransparencyOur Mission is the innovation and efficient organisation of information and communications systems to support teaching, research and management at the UAL.
Our Vision is to be a leader in the development and technological innovation in the UAL and in the university field, and to be a reference in the effectiveness of the provision of services, maintaining a permanent commitment to quality.
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Universidad de Almería
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