Master's degrees that give direct access to the PhD Program (without training supplements):

Those applicants who have obtained the Official Master's degree in Functional Analysis in Clinical and Health Contexts from the University of Almería, a training period considered closely linked to this program, can directly access these studies.

Master's degrees that give access to the PhD Program which require the completion of training supplements:

Those students who have obtained a degree in any of the master’s indicated in this section may access these studies. In each case, students must pass the Training supplements that are determined for each study. From among those specified in section 5.2 3.4 of this report. Completing these training supplements must be carried out, preferably, in the first year of study and, in any event, before the end of studies: The Master's Degree in Psychological Intervention in Clinical and Social Fields from the University of Almería - required to take or accredit training supplements 1, 2 and 3 (see section 5.2 3.4); the Master's Degree in Mental Health Research: Research in Psychiatry, Neurotoxicology and Psychopharmacology from the University of Rovira and Virgili and the University of Almería - required to complete or accredit training supplements 1, 2 and 3 (see section 5.2 3.4).

Other Master’s or PhD Program Training Periods:

Those students who have obtained an Official Master's degree, or who have completed the training period of a PhD Program (by any of the mechanisms provided in the applicable legislation), may access these studies without being restricted to the type of studies. In each case, students will have to pass the training supplements for each study, determined at the time by the degree’s Academic Committee, from among those specified in section 3.4 of this report. These training supplements should preferably be completed in the first year of study and, in any event, before the end of studies.

The admission criteria will be the same for full-time and part-time students, who will have to establish and justify their time commitment in the admission application.

In the event that the demand for admissions is greater than the places on offer, the following admission criteria will be used to select the applicants:

  • Academic Record: 50%
  • Curriculum vitae 30%
  • Interview: 20%

For students with specific educational needs derived from disabilities, these systems and procedures will include the appropriate support and advisory services which assess the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies.