The PhD Program in Protected Agriculture aims to train future researchers in the field of sustainable greenhouse crop production. The doctoral students on this program are directly incorporated into the activity of well-established research groups and the projects they develop. The research activity takes place in close collaboration with the greenhouse sector in the province of Almería, which includes a number of leading companies producing greenhouse crops.
The research lines offered for doctoral training are the following:
- Climate Control and Water Management in Protected Agriculture
- Productivity, Quality and Postharvest Improvement in Agriculture
- Plant Nutrition and Fertigation in Protected Agriculture
- Plant Protection in Protected Agriculture
- Non-food Horticulture and Nurseries
- Floration and Fruiting Physiology
These lines apply to horticultural, ornamental and fruit crops.
The PhD Program has a marked international character, attracting students from different countries and regions with greenhouse cultivation systems similar to that of Almería (Latin America, the Mediterranean Basin, Iran, etc.).
Participating students receive excellent scientific training and also familiarize themselves with many aspects of protected crop production in Almería.