The training objective of this Master's Degree is to provide students with quality specialised training in Business and Law, mainly with knowledge of Economics and Agronomy, necessary to respond socially to the demands of the European Union regarding improved producer competitiveness and innovation along with information and guarantees for consumers to exercise their freedom of choice, all within the framework of WTO and EU policies, both internally and as part of its Treaties with Mercosur and CETA.
Consequently, this title will allow the student to acquire specific and appropriate training in the legal-economic field of business management and agrifood activity, with basic agronomic knowledge, coupled with the acquisition of the research skills necessary to access Doctoral Programmes generally, and those specifically linked to UAL’s Economic, Business and Legal Sciences Department.

Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
The Master's Degree is especially aimed at people with an intellectual interest in the social, political, economic and ideological processes of the contemporary world, who are concerned about rural development and the analytical and critical interpretation of current agricultural policies, as well as being committed to the processes of social integration, respect for multiculturalism, environmental sustainability and defending human rights, with particular interest in the most vulnerable groups in the food supply chain, such as agricultural workers and consumers.
The Master's Degree seeks students who wish to gain specialized knowledge about rural society, allowing them a critical perspective within a framework of personal ideological freedom, facing the main environmental realities while distancing themselves from adulterated or biased views. They must be students who are also concerned not only with the acquisition of academic content, but also with the generation of new knowledge through research. Knowledge of languages, basic computer skills, a critical sense and an entrepreneurial spirit, initiative, creativity, relational skills and social and environmental commitment are recommended.
The academic and personal applicant profile recommended would be graduates from the Social and Legal Sciences branch (Law, Work Sciences, Labour Relations or Public Management and Administration) or from Business and Economic Sciences (Economics, Marketing, Business Administration and Management), although graduates in any of the agricultural branches who wish to be trained in the management of the various activities carried out in the agrifood chain will also have access, as well as professionals from this sector whose qualifications do not correspond to the above-mentioned branches but nevertheless have sufficient experience to deal with the contents of the Master’s.
The proposed Master's Degree has a multidisciplinary character and is therefore open to a wide variety of disciplines, all related to the Legal, Economic, Business and Agricultural Sciences. Their design and objectives mean that students who are trained in the following fields can directly access them:
- As a matter of priority: graduates in Law, graduates in Economics, Marketing, Business Administration and Management, Labour Sciences, Agronomy, Labour Relations or Public Management and Administration.
- In addition, the admission of students with equivalent or related degrees, as well as those with foreign equivalent or related degrees, may be considered.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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