Adaptation of the Curriculum


The following table shows the adaptation of the existing studies of {{oldplan.nom_plan}}  to the new Curriculum of {{nom.dsplan}}

Adaptation table {{oldplan.nom_plan}}
Subjects of {{oldplan.nom_plan}} Subjects of {{nom.dsplan}}

{{ori | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

{{des | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

Adaptation Procedure

Students of the current Bachelor's Degree in History (Curriculum 2010) may choose to:

  • Complete the studies of the Bachelor's Degree in History (Curriculum 2010), which will be progressively discontinued, according to the regulations established by the University of Almeria.
  • Transfer to the new official Bachelor's Degree. In this case the transfer table on this page will be applied.
  • The discontinuance for the studies indicated will be carried out temporally. Once each year has been discontinued, six exam sittings will be held in the following three academic years.

Information of interest

  • Guide