
Natural resources form the basis of any activity that generates employment and development, and are in increasing serious danger of deterioration. This is causing a marked increase in society's perception of environmental problems, as well as a rising demand for urgent actions and measures that lead to the elimination or minimization of the effects on the natural environment caused by humans.

At present, and in view of the seriousness of these problems, the bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences (CCAA) is an essential training programme for equipping society with the tools and human resources to help bring about a transition towards sustainability. To do this, CCAA graduates must possess theoretical and practical knowledge derived from multiple Natural and Social Science disciplines, as well as skills in using the tools necessary to put them into practice in the real world.

Such training represents a fundamental societal contribution on behalf of the university for making better decisions regarding essential aspects for the maintenance of human well-being in the twenty-first century.

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{{centro.nom_centro}} (Department of {{centro.nom_departamento}})

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Suggested profile for newly enrolled students

Potential applicants for the degree would be young people who have acquired knowledge of Biology and the Environment during their Upper Secondary Education studies, and who show interest in carrying out their professional activity in areas where some of the most significant future challenges arise: adapting to global change, maintaining biodiversity and developing eco-efficient approaches in all areas of economic activity.

One should bear in mind that this is essentially a degree with a very high scientific and technological academic profile, although the social and economic aspects related to sustainability are also relevant.

Nor is the demand for training insignificant among young people with an environmental commitment guiding them to develop activities at the level of NGOs, entities whose fields of action are becoming increasingly important at the local, national and international levels.

Furthermore, the training offered by the proposed degree may also be of interest to professionals from other fields of work (engineering, architecture, tourism, business, etc.) who intend to acquire knowledge and skills in environmental management to enrich and update their skill set.

General data

Branch of knowledge:


Duration of the program:

{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years

Type of education


Language(s) used

Spanish French English
Spanish French English
Spanish French English

Field of Knowledge:


Fields of study -ISCED:




Telephone: {{coo.coordinador[0].tlfcoo | trim}}

E-mail: {{coo.coordinador[0].emailcoo}}

E-mail: {{c.cen_email}}

Objectives and Competencies

Objectives and Competencies

Go to Objectives and Competencies

Professional and Academic opportunities

Upon completing these studies, graduates will have the academic and employment opportunities listed below:

Academic opportunities. Relation with other studies

Graduates will have direct access to master's studies.

Academic opportunities. Relation with other studies

Professional opportunities

The CCAA graduates will be trained to handle audits, implementation, certification and renewal of stamps, the design of documentation, procedural manuals, etc. as well as the identification and evaluation of environmental legislation, in addition to promoting and collaborating in environmental awareness-raising activities.

Furthermore, there is expected to be a greater demand for graduates in the Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences due to increasing social sensitivity and the predicted diversification of environmental issues generated by the pressure of more (and new) activities.

In the immediate future, the application of the Andalusian Climate Change Law will lead to a new regulatory framework that companies will be forced to implement. Accordingly, these graduates will be key professionals.

Finally, it should be noted that the province is a privileged environment for the future development of renewable energies, a sector with huge potential that will require professionals who fit the profile of this degree.

Professional opportunities



Pending approval

Pending publication

Pending verification

Deployment {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_ini_implantacion}}
Deployment {{pre.estado[0].any_iniplan}}
Starting date of extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_ini_extincion}}
End extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_fin_extincion}}