- Document to help you register.
1. Do not enrol in subject "70755401 Master’s Thesis" without having enrolled in at least one of the elective Research Methodology subjects (70752204 Qualitative Methodology in Sexological Research or 70752205 Quantitative Methodology in Sexological Research).
2. Due to clashing timetables between some subjects in different specialisations, it is recommended not to enrol simultaneously in the following subjects:
- 70754211. Research Advances in the Sexological Clinic (Clinical Specialisation)
- 70753206. Advances in Specialised Sexual Education Research (Educational Specialisation)
1. If you wish to complete both pathways, must attend the 90 Credits distributed in the academic years. But do not close the academic record on completing the first; instead, wait to request the qualification and close record until you have completed both pathways. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain the qualification of both pathways.
The Master's in Sexological Sciences provides training and specialisation in sexology (sexologists) for all the WHO and PAHO profiles approved in Guatemala in May 2000, in the degrees that give access to it (Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work, Social Education, Education Sciences, in all their specialisations, Psychopedagogy, Pedagogy, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Biology, Philosophy and Sociology), including the sexual health education profiles for professionals specializing in reproductive health programmes, STI and HIV prevention and control, sex education, sexology research and clinical sexology; this includes sexual counselling, sexual therapy and sexological treatment, and sexual medicine and surgery, as well as sexual health treatments and care, and training profiles for professionals specialised in the field of comprehensive sexology in Sexual Education; also sexual health education profiles for professionals specialising in sexual health prevention and promotion programmes to prevent unwanted pregnancy or aspects related to paedophilia and sexual and gender violence, sex education, sexological research and sexual counselling.
In this way, via the pathways offered in the Master’s in Sexological Sciences by the University of Almeria, students are trained and specialised in all these profiles via the degrees that give access to it.
The Master's will be academic, professional and research-oriented, responding to society’s demand for knowledge and skill upgrading of sexology professionals.

Video presentation
Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
They will have access to the Clinical Sexology and Individual and Couples Treatment pathway, to the degrees in Medicine, Nursing and Psychology, and through the Sexual Education and Counselling pathway to the degrees in Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work, Social Education, Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences, in all their specialisations, to Psychopedagogy, Pedagogy, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Biology, Philosophy and Sociology.
Students of the degrees in Medicine, Nursing and Psychology can then choose to take additional credits in any of the other pathways, so as to have the option of the professional opportunities that each train them for, according to the competencies acquired.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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