- Document to help you register.
The enrolment management of this master's degree, as well as its teaching and assessment, is carried out entirely by the University of Granada. For more information follow this link.
The twenty-first century might become the “biology century” because of the immense thrust created by new technologies in the field of biological research, and because of the vital importance that all these advances have on societal well-being.
Genetics and Evolution are two interconnected branches of science that go hand in hand in this multidisciplinary Master's degree, allowing its students to train in the various areas that encompass the study of Genetics, Evolution, Evolutionary Genetics and Evolutionary Biology in general. The methods, concepts and perspectives of these disciplines have contributed crucially to clarifying the main themes of the Biological Sciences and represent the basis for the development of advances in applied sciences within the biomedical, agrifood, livestock and environmental sectors.
The Master’s in Genetics and Evolution has a research orientation organised jointly by the Universities of Granada (link at and Almeria, with the participation of teachers from different Higher Council of Scientific Research Centres (CSIC) (link at; link at
It is structured into two teaching modules delivered during the first semester of the academic year. The first module is a general module in which different subjects related to the different branches of genetics are studied. Once this module is completed, one of three pathways or specialisations can be followed according to the specialisation teaching module chosen: The biohealth specialisation, the agrifood specialisation and the evolutionary specialisation.
During the second semester, the Final Master's Thesis will be carried out within one of the different research lines offered. This Master’s also offers an optional Business Practices module during the second semester in which two R&D+i companies participate; this may be studied by some of the Master's students.

General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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