
The Official University Master's in Educational Psychology is aimed at students and professionals interested in acquiring a solid theoretical and practical training in the contributions of psychological knowledge to theory, professional practice and psycho-educational innovation. Following the Bologna agreements regulating the European Higher Education Area, the Master’s now has two training pathways: one for professional development in formal contexts (School Psychologist) and one in non-formal and informal contexts (Socio-educational Psychologist), with a clear professional innovation component (R&D+i).

Run by Run by
{{centro.nom_centro}} (Department of {{centro.nom_departamento}})

General data

Branch of knowledge:


Duration of the program:

{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years

Type of education


Language(s) used

Spanish French English
Spanish French English
Spanish French English

Field of Knowledge:


Fields of study -ISCED:




Telephone: {{coo.coordinador[0].tlfcoo | trim}}

E-mail: {{coo.coordinador[0].emailcoo}}

E-mail: {{c.cen_email}}

Objectives and Competencies

Objectives and Competencies

Go to Objectives and Competencies


  • Degree Report.Current report (latest version): 01 October 2010.
  • Degree Report.Latest validation report: 17 June 2009.
  • P7.- Material Resources and Services.Availability and Suitability of Material Resources and Services.


Pending approval

Pending publication

Pending verification

Deployment {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_ini_implantacion}}
Deployment {{pre.estado[0].any_iniplan}}
Starting date of extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_ini_extincion}}
End extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_fin_extincion}}

Information of interest

  • Guide