Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

Undergraduate Degree Education is organised in Basic Training and Specialist Training Modules, which are compulsory, elective courses organised in mentions and the School Work Placement and Undergraduate Dissertation Modules.

Time planning chart of the degree:

The Curriculum has:

  • Three Basic Training Modules with 60 credits, six courses distributed throughout the two semesters of the first and second academic years.
  • Six Specialist Training Modules, with 100 credits, which are compulsory, with eleven courses distributed throughout the two semesters of the second, third and fourth academic years.
  • 30 elective credits in the following mentions:
    1. Physical Education.
    2. Foreign Languages (English;French).
    3. ITC and Communication in the Classroom.
    4. Music Education (*).
    5. Special Education (*).
    6. Education, Citizenship and Interculturality (*).
  • School Work Placement Module with 44 credits.
  • Undergraduate Dissertation with 6 credits.

(*) Specific Mentions of the Degree in Early Childhood Education, but they may also be taken by students of the Degree in Primary Education.

Remarks [Elective]
Students must take 30 elective credits among those offered in this degree programme to achieve the Degree. Student who wish to obtain a mention must take the five elective courses (30 credits) specific for each mention.

See the elective courses offered for each mention in this degree, clicking on 'Courses by mentions'.