

This curriculum is in process of extinction as from this academic year {{tit.estado[0].any_iniext}}. Please remember that, in general, you will have to register to do exams in subjects in which you had been enrolled in previous years. However , the Rector may, by resolution, grant the right to enroll for exams in subjects in which you have not previously registered. The Student Academic Management Service will issue it by delegation.


This curriculum has extinguished


This curriculum is in process of extinction as from this academic year {{tit.estado[0].any_iniext}}. Please remember that, in general, you will have to register to do exams in subjects in which you had been enrolled in previous years. However , the Rector may, by resolution, grant the right to enroll for exams in subjects in which you have not previously registered. The Student Academic Management Service will issue it by delegation.

The following tables show all subjects of the curriculum with reference to the academic year {{tit.estado[0].any_actual}}

{{cod_curso}} Course. 1st semester. 2nd semester. Annual

{{cod_curso}} Course. 1st semester. 2nd semester. Annual
Code Subject matter ECTS Character
Only right to exam until the academic year {{a.f_finsoloexa}}
Subject matter extinguished as from year: {{a.f_iniext}}
Extinguished as from the academic year {{a.f_iniext}}
Extinguished as from the academic year {{a.f_iniext}}
Offered as from the year: {{a.f_inivig}}
Subject not offered in the course {{tit.estado[0].any_actual}}
Offered as from the year: {{a.f_inivig}}
Subject not offered in the course {{tit.estado[0].any_actual}}
Subject matter extinguished as from year: {{a.f_iniext}}
Extinguished as from the academic year {{a.f_iniext}}
{{a.cred_ects}} {{a.nom_caracter}}

Extinct subjects

{{cod_curso}} Course. 1st semester. 2nd semester. Annual

{{cod_curso}} Course. 1st semester. 2nd semester. Annual
Code Subject matter ECTS Character
Offered as from the year: {{a.f_inivig}}
Subject not offered in the course {{tit.estado[0].any_actual}}
Subject matter extinguished as from year: {{a.f_iniext}}
Extinguished as from the academic year {{a.f_iniext}}
{{a.cred_ects}} {{a.nom_caracter}}

Supporting documentation

Calendar of extinction

The Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering (curriculum 2015) will substitute the current 3-year degrees in Computer Engineering (discontinued) and the previous version of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering (curriculum 2010). It will be fully implemented in the academic year 2015-16, following this calendar:

Calendar of extinction \ {{nom.dsplan}}
Course Academic year of extinction
{{curso}}º {{annio}}

Calendar of deployment

The Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering (curriculum 2015) will substitute the current 3-year degrees in Computer Engineering (discontinued) and the previous version of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering (curriculum 2010). It will be fully implemented in the academic year 2015-16, following this calendar:

Calendar of deployment \ {{nom.dsplan}}
Course Academic year of deployment
{{curso}}º {{annio}}