The increase in life expectancy, redistribution of health resources and contemplating the health-disease phenomenon from a perspective that is broader than merely the absence of disease, has recently strengthened certain health models aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and health education among citizens. Nursing professionals comprise the majority health profession, demand for which is growing in both the public and private sectors, given their presence at different times in the life cycle, both in terms of disease and health.
The Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the University of Almeria has an innovative curriculum, based on scientific evidence, clinical-case resolution, and extensive clinical practice in nursing homes and centres, hospitals and primary-care centres from the second course onwards, as well as objective clinical assessment and a renowned simulation centre in Almeria province. You can also complete your training at other European universities and around the world.
Nursing UAL represents evidence, innovation, simulation and internationalization!

Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
The recommended applicant profile to access Bachelor's Degree Nursing studies is as follows:
- A student from Upper Secondary Education in Natural and Health Sciences and Higher Vocational Training Programmes in Health Sciences; or graduates from the Health Sciences field. For those over 25, 40 and 45 years of age, this also includes students who passed the university access test.
- Intermediate level of English. The desirable level of English is A2 or B1, which allows students to read technical texts involving scientific evidence in the different subjects.
- High level of Spanish. The desirable level of Spanish is C1 or C2, for those whose mother tongue is not Spanish.
- Personal characteristics include the capacity for personal improvement, teamwork, organization, leadership, responsibility, social skills, flexibility, adaptability, tolerance, solidarity, motivation, and problem-solving.
- In general, the student interested in studying the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing is someone who wants to work in a high-value profession serving society, with a great sense of solidarity and an eagerness to help people, working as part of a multidisciplinary team and striving for continual training and retraining in order to provide more up-to-date and rigorous evidence-based care.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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