Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

The Master is organised in three modules; the first two are face-to-face teaching in courses and seminars to train students in the fundamental contents of the Regenerative Biomedicine. In the first module called Embryological, Cellular and Molecular Basis of Regenerative Biomedicine, students must successfully pass a minimum of 15 credits, 8 of which are compulsory and 7 elective. In the second module, Therapeutic Strategies of Clinical Usefulness, students must take at least 21 credits (17 compulsory credits and 4 elective credits). Between the two modules, students will take a total of 36 credits. Finally, the third module will correspond to a Research Module of 24 credits, in which students will have to carry out a period of supervised research that will conclude with the public defence of a Master’s thesis.


Information of interest

  • Guide