Homepage of Inmaculada Pérez-Bernabé


I am a granted PhD student by the Spanish Ministery of Economy and Competitiveness in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Almerí­a (Spain). I am member of the Data Analysis (FQM-244) research group.

My research interests are related to Bayesian networks and currently are focussed on:
  • Inference and learning in hybrid Bayesian networks (mixtures of polynomials, mixtures of truncated exponentials and mixtures of truncated basis functions in general).
  • Approximate propagation in Bayesian networks.
  • Incorporating knownledge in Bayesian networks.

Inmaculada Pérez Bernabé
Dpto. de Matemáticas
Área de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Universidad de Almería
Edf. CITIC, Despacho 2.08
La Cañada de San Urbano s/n
04120 Almería. SPAIN.
e-mail: iperez@ual.es
Tel: +34 950214650
Fax: +34 950015167

Last Update: 28 Jul, 2013